7 posts tagged #api

  1. GraphQL vs. REST APIs?
    January 30, 2018 #webdev #api #graphql
  2. API-First and the Customer Experience
    October 17, 2017 #api
  3. AWS Chalice, Amazon API Gateway, and AWS IAM Authorization
    August 15, 2017 #aws #iam #python #api
  4. .NET Zipkin Investigation (Medidata.ZipkinTracerModule)
    July 29, 2016 #dotnet #api #monitoring
  5. Zipkin JS Investigation (Part 2)
    July 20, 2016 #javascript #api #monitoring
  6. Zipkin JS Investigation
    June 10, 2016 #javascript #api #monitoring
  7. Facebook GraphQL/Relay and Netflix Falcor
    April 1, 2015 #webdev #api #graphql

Kevin Hakanson

Multi-Cloud Certified Architect | DevSecOps | AppSec | Web Platform | Speaker | Learner | Builder
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