AWS Icons for PlantUML has dark mode

June 22, 2023 #aws #opensource #uml

Release 16.0 of AWS Icons for PlantUML includes an experimental “dark mode” where !$AWS_DARK = true will set the background/foreground colors and use icons which have a specific “dark” version. This was possible because the 2023-04-28 (16-2023.04.28) updated AWS Architecture Icons no longer have gradients and elements are designed to appear on either white or black backgrounds for optimal contrast and visibility.

The S3 Upload Workflow examples includes source code examples, but here are the side-by-side PNG images.

Light Mode version Dark Mode version
Amazon S3 Upload Workflow diagram light Amazon S3 Upload Workflow diagram dark
Amazon S3 Upload Workflow sequence diagram light Amazon S3 Upload Workflow sequence diagram dark

Kevin Hakanson

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