Azure Managed Identity Resources

October 10, 2020 #azure #security #iam #cli

As part of studying for the Azure Architect exams using Microsoft Learn, I was experimenting with Managed Identities. Here is the definition from the What are managed identities for Azure resources? page of the Azure docs:

There are two types of managed identities:

  • System-assigned Some Azure services allow you to enable a managed identity directly on a service instance. When you enable a system-assigned managed identity an identity is created in Azure AD that is tied to the lifecycle of that service instance. So when the resource is deleted, Azure automatically deletes the identity for you. By design, only that Azure resource can use this identity to request tokens from Azure AD.
  • User-assigned You may also create a managed identity as a standalone Azure resource. You can create a user-assigned managed identity and assign it to one or more instances of an Azure service. In the case of user-assigned managed identities, the identity is managed separately from the resources that use it.

Using the Azure CLI, I can show the kjh-mi managed identity which I created as an Azure resource.

kevin@Azure:~$ az identity show --name "kjh-mi" --resource-group "kjh-microsoft-learn"
  "clientId": "a72223ed-0a1e-4683-9b4b-44bed448bccc",
  "clientSecretUrl": "",
  "id": "/subscriptions/1b877039-42c8-467f-a80b-950b770fa4ff/resourcegroups/kjh-microsoft-learn/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/kjh-mi",
  "location": "northcentralus",
  "name": "kjh-mi",
  "principalId": "8097154c-b14f-4898-928c-16ca80e12dfd",
  "resourceGroup": "kjh-microsoft-learn",
  "tags": {},
  "tenantId": "01177861-2ff6-4b20-b546-49fd6cada0ec",
  "type": "Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities"

Similar to a User or Group, a managed identity is a security principal object in Azure AD.

security principals

Using the principalId value of 8097154c-b14f-4898-928c-16ca80e12dfd, I can call into the directoryObjects Microsoft Graph API to get the corresponding object from Azure AD.

kevin@Azure:~$ az rest --url "\$select=id,alternativeNames,appId,displayName,servicePrincipalType,servicePrincipalNames"
  "@odata.context": "$metadata#directoryObjects(id,alternativeNames,appId,displayName,servicePrincipalType,servicePrincipalNames)/$entity",
  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.servicePrincipal",
  "alternativeNames": [
  "appId": "a72223ed-0a1e-4683-9b4b-44bed448bccc",
  "displayName": "kjh-mi",
  "id": "8097154c-b14f-4898-928c-16ca80e12dfd",
  "servicePrincipalNames": [
  "servicePrincipalType": "ManagedIdentity"

Notice that the @odata.type is microsoft.graph.servicePrincipal and the servicePrincipalType has a ManagedIdentity value.

The Azure Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities resource principalId value of 8097154c-b14f-4898-928c-16ca80e12dfd appears as id, the clientId value of a72223ed-0a1e-4683-9b4b-44bed448bccc appears as appId, and the name of kjh-mi maps to the displayName property. The alternativeNames and servicePrincipalNames also have interesting corresponding values.

Kevin Hakanson

Multi-Cloud Certified Architect | DevSecOps | AppSec | Web Platform | Speaker | Learner | Builder
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