Finding outdated AWS icons in files

March 4, 2023 #aws

I admit to being an AWS service icon snob - when I see outdated icons being used, I look down on the diagram. For example, this image with multiple versions of old AWS Lambda icons:

Lambda icons from AWS17, AWS18, and AWS19

However, these are a pain to update by hand. Last month I created GitHub issue #3337: Feature to “upgrade” AWS Icons from old icons sets (e.g. AWS 17, AWS 18)

Today I wrote a quick and dirty TypeScript CLI that checks .drawio files for outdated AWS icons.

$ npx ts-node drawiolint LambdaLambdaLambda.drawio 
Processing file LambdaLambdaLambda.drawio (modified 2023-02-04T19:04:48.267Z)

Checking tab Page-1 

❌ id=-sQPLy2-axNeOzcSWdUq-1
  AWS17 Lambda

❌ id=-sQPLy2-axNeOzcSWdUq-3
  AWS18 Lambda
  mxgraph.aws4.productIcon mxgraph.aws4.lambda

Here are the relevant parts of the XML for those three icons:

<mxCell id="-sQPLy2-axNeOzcSWdUq-1" value="AWS17 Lambda" style="outlineConnect=0;dashed=0;verticalLabelPosition=bottom;verticalAlign=top;align=center;html=1;shape=mxgraph.aws3.lambda;fillColor=#F58534;gradientColor=none;" parent="1" vertex="1">
  <mxGeometry x="80" y="163" width="76.5" height="93" as="geometry" />
<mxCell id="-sQPLy2-axNeOzcSWdUq-2" value="AWS Lambda" style="sketch=0;points=[[0,0,0],[0.25,0,0],[0.5,0,0],[0.75,0,0],[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0.25,1,0],[0.5,1,0],[0.75,1,0],[1,1,0],[0,0.25,0],[0,0.5,0],[0,0.75,0],[1,0.25,0],[1,0.5,0],[1,0.75,0]];outlineConnect=0;fontColor=#232F3E;gradientColor=#F78E04;gradientDirection=north;fillColor=#D05C17;strokeColor=#ffffff;dashed=0;verticalLabelPosition=bottom;verticalAlign=top;align=center;html=1;fontSize=12;fontStyle=0;aspect=fixed;shape=mxgraph.aws4.resourceIcon;resIcon=mxgraph.aws4.lambda;" parent="1" vertex="1">
  <mxGeometry x="330" y="170.5" width="78" height="78" as="geometry" />
<mxCell id="-sQPLy2-axNeOzcSWdUq-3" value="AWS18 Lambda" style="sketch=0;outlineConnect=0;fontColor=#232F3E;gradientColor=none;strokeColor=#ffffff;fillColor=#232F3E;dashed=0;verticalLabelPosition=middle;verticalAlign=bottom;align=center;html=1;whiteSpace=wrap;fontSize=10;fontStyle=1;spacing=3;shape=mxgraph.aws4.productIcon;prIcon=mxgraph.aws4.lambda;" parent="1" vertex="1">
  <mxGeometry x="200" y="159.5" width="80" height="100" as="geometry" />

After a bunch of XML parsing code to pull out the id, label and style from the <mxCell>, the verifyShape function gets called and looks for mxgraph.aws3 or mxgraph.aws4.productIcon.

const verifyShape = (
  id: string,
  label: string,
  styles: Record<string, string>
) => {
  const shape = styles['shape'] || '';
  const prIcon = styles['prIcon'] || '';
  const resIcon = styles['resIcon'] || '';

  if (
    shape.includes('mxgraph.aws3.') ||
  ) {
    console.log(`\n❌ id=${id}\n  ${label}\n  ${shape} ${prIcon}\n`);

Maybe once day I’ll clean up the code, add update capabilities, and publish it somewhere.

Kevin Hakanson

Multi-Cloud Certified Architect | DevSecOps | AppSec | Web Platform | Speaker | Learner | Builder
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