Veracode API HMAC Authentication in Python

September 6, 2019 #security #codequality #python

Back on 26 August 2019, I created a GitHub issue on veracode-python-hmac-example since it didn’t work with Python 3.7. I also reached out to Veracode Support who replied right away with a compatible .whl file. Today I learned that the Veracode API Signing Library is now available on PyPI for HMAC authentication.

As a test, I wanted to write some Python code for to mimic this usage of the Java based CLI.

$ java -jar ~/.veracode/VeracodeJavaAPI.jar \
  -vid [redacted] \
  -vkey [redacted \
  -action getapplist

I was able to run this code and get the same result from the Veracode XML API.

import sys
import requests
from veracode_api_signing.plugin_requests import RequestsAuthPluginVeracodeHMAC


if __name__ == "__main__":

    result = + "", 
                           auth = RequestsAuthPluginVeracodeHMAC(), 
                           data={"include_user_info" : "true"})


This works because the Veracode API Key and Key Secret are located in my ~/.veracode/credentials file.

$ cat ~/.veracode/credentials 
veracode_api_key_id = [redacted]
veracode_api_key_secret = [redacted]

If you prefer the newer JSON based Veracode REST APIs, the same HMAC authentication works.

import json
import sys
import requests
from veracode_api_signing.plugin_requests import RequestsAuthPluginVeracodeHMAC

api_base = ""

if __name__ == "__main__":

        response = requests.get(api_base + "/applications",
                                params={"size": "500"})
    except requests.RequestException as e:

    if response.ok:
        print(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=2))

Now it’s time to explore some more Veracode APIs and add some security automation to my pipelines.

Kevin Hakanson

Multi-Cloud Certified Architect | DevSecOps | AppSec | Web Platform | Speaker | Learner | Builder
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